Are you drawn to spell casting but unclear about how or where to start? It can be overwhelming to create your sacred practice from scratch.
Luckily you’ve got The Good Witch on your side and I’m going to give you the ABC’s of spell casting. I packaged the 8 basics of spell work right into this post and after reading this I think you’ll feel confident enough to cast your first spell as early as today!
In truth, we unintentionally cast spells all day long with beliefs we hold and words we speak.
Here are the 8 main spell-crafting steps that pull your spell together:
- Purify Your Mind
- Purify Your Space
- Set-up Your Altar & Correspondences (optional)
- Call in Greater Energies
- Focus Your Energy
- Recite Incantation
- Seal Your Spell
- Thank and Release Greater Energies
Here’s how and why…
1. Before your spell, you first need to purify your mind
Purify your mind of unwanted thoughts that weaken your focus by downloading my guide on how to cleanse your energetic field and make sure to wear clothing you feel good in. Unfortunately this blog platform won’t let me attach a .pdf so you’ll need to enter your email address and the guide will immediately auto-send to your email. (I will never send you spam)
2. Next you’ll need to purify your space
3. Setting up your altar
This is your sacred space to raise energy. We are pure energy and our brains are extremely powerful generators.
You technically do not need anything but your focus to cast a spell but keep in mind, energy builds on energy and the more energetic elements you have the stronger your intention will be and the quicker you’ll see results. The Law of Correspondence will explain more about how energy builds. You want to have at least a candle and a couple herbs to get your altar started. We set up altars as a sacred reminder that all around us is beauty and well. When you see your sacred space, your energy instantly grounds, you come into present time, and begin to hear and perceive things in a different way. This process builds and strongly holds the energy you raise. You can have altars in every room holding different intentions or just one single altar. Here’s a beautifully detailed breakdown of how to Create Your Sacred Altar for Magical Practice.
You can also use your altar space to meditate and create…
- If you’re an artist or writer this space will help your creativity flow like water! You can use colors to build on the energy too. Here is a color energy guide from Witchipedia you can refer to when raising specifics like money, lovers, well-being etc.
4. Call in greater energies
Once you and your space are cleansed and your altar is exactly as you want it, you’ll invoke greater energies such as your higher self (great for beginners), angels, the elements of earth and cardinal directions and/or mythical gods and goddesses. It depends on what you’re calling forth and how much you know about each. As you grow your practice you may want to expand and call on specific energies that directly align with your intention. But for now, calling on your higher self or an angel you are familiar with is perfectly fine:-)
- Note: You’re calling in greater earth energies (earth, air, fire, water) when you arrange crystals, smudge, candles, flowers, and perfume/oil onto your altar. These four elements are sacred because they are essential for life.
5. Focus your energy

6. Recite your incantation
7. Seal your spell, cast off your intention
8. Thank and release greater energies

Let’s try casting a tiny spell now! I’ll show you how simple it can be done:-)
That’s it!!
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