Do you have things you’d like to change in your life? Feeling trapped in unwanted circumstances is a huge drain on the soul…
Life isn’t meant to be endured, you truly have the power to create a life you enjoy! All it takes is a little magic and deliberate action to create your new beautiful world filled will love, beauty, happiness, and prosperity! There is hope even at the darkest corner when you’re in alignment with greater energies of the Universe. And, New Moon energy is a great place to start! Come with me and I’ll show you how it’s done:-)
After reading this post you will know how to tap into New Moon energy by deliberately channeling the electric power inside your brain to create something in your life.
Be sure to read about Spell-casting Basics and common questions before you move further with this ritual. This New Moon Ritual works in conjunction with the Full Moon Ritual as part of my Moon Series
The New Moon is a ripe time to open the portal for your desires to flow through. Sometimes referred to as the Dark Moon; the New Moon is like your blank canvas for new beginnings. During your ritual try to be open to trying new things, thinking new thoughts, and going after new dreams. In the darkness of the moon, you have space to create whatever your heart is wanting. But first you need to release low vibe energy by following below.
How to release low vibe energy before for your ritual…
Moon energy 1-2 days before the New Moon is nice and strong for helping us let go what isn’t serving us as Luna is in her last round of deep releasing. You’ll want to tap into this energy to wash your lower frequencies away and make energetic space for what you’ll call forth on the New Moon.
First: Take a little time to ground your energy by lighting a candle, spray or apply something that smells delicious to you, sit in a quiet place with your pen and paper, take a couple deep breaths and reflect on the last couple weeks.
Then jot down what’s been on your mind…all the things you have to do or that you want done.
Purge it all out, purge out all you’ve been thinking about that isn’t quite “right” yet.
- Example: needing car repairs, budgeting for birthdays/holidays, thoughts about people, thoughts about what you think people are thinking about you, job stress, money problems, body issues, kids driving you crazy. Everything.
After you purge it ALL out on your paper(s), think about whether it is something you need to take action on or if it’s out of your control. Think about whether you can do something about it or is it adding to your worries and causing a low vibration.
This is how you’ll know what to release on the New Moon. On the New Moon you’ll banish thoughts about these issues and the negative feelings they bring up. Because this stuff is what’s creating stress in your life and causing weak spells.
For now, just take your list, fold it and tuck it away.
On the day of the New Moon…
What you will need: a black candle (element of fire), fresh flowers (element of earth), perfume/oil (element of water), smudge (element of air), lighter, blue pen, white piece of paper, and the list you created a couple days ago. Crystals if you have them. Here are the crystals and other tools I use when casting New Moon spells.
Part One – Banish Your List of Unwanted Emotions
- Light your black candle (or any candle is fine if you don’t have black) colors build layers of energy making your spell stronger but colors are not mandatory. Read about the Law of Correspondence to learn more.
- Grab your flowers, spray or apply something you love to smell, and make sure you’ve cleansed your energy, cleared your space and set out your crystals.
- Take your banish list from a couple days ago and light that baby up! As you’re watching the paper burn and sizzle down, give yourself permission to let go of what’s being burned. Visualize the burden on your back being whisked away with the smoke by the forces of the moon. Feel the relief of handing your worries over to the Universe, your invisible support system. This grounds you into Earth and gives you a nice wide open energetic container to invite the new in.
- Once the paper(s) have burned to ash, pour them under the biggest tree you can find and send them off with the knowing that solutions to your issues are on the way.
Part Two – Set Intention for New Desire
- Now, replace your banish list with a new desire or goal for this next moon cycle and next cycles to come. Keep the list out in a place where you’ll be able to see and connect and bless everyday. If you have an altar it will go there. Really take some time to let your mind wander about beautiful possibilities – the bigger your dream the farther you’ll go. Really crystallize your desire in your mind to the finest detail and pretend you already have what it is you’re wanting.
- Then, hold the feeling of what it’s like to have what you want for at least 17 seconds. The longer you hold the feeling the more power you give your intention. Remember this feeling and generate it every so often until your desire shows up in your life. This practice magnifies whatever you want. You didn’t come here to live a mediocre life.
- Once you are finished….you’ll call forth/seal your intention with your breath by blowing your candle out and saying “so it is”
- Indulge in a delicious meal or dessert and take a soothing bath afterwards to nourish your soul.
Be sure to follow up with your manifestation cycle by completing the ritual on the Full Moon where you will cast your actual spell<3
To follow the moon in an online group setting with my guidance >>>join my free Facebook Group! This is THE community for people who are wanting to craft beauty into their lives. Would love to see you there.
Once you’re ready to create your sacred space, contact me and I will help you set up your altar.
Note: A word of caution about spell casting/manifesting – each item you intentionally (or unintentionally) manifest you are opening an energy stream. Being that everything has an opposite (look up Law of Polarity) you are opening both positive and negative sides of the stream. In order to attract the positive you must maintain your good (not perfect) vibration. Remember, low/negative vibe thoughts attract low/negative situations, places, things etc. so be careful what you ask for and make sure you keep that vibe up:-)
Your vibration automatically stays up when you stay conscious of your negative feelings. If you find yourself vibrating at lower frequency thoughts all you need to do is simply think about or do something for yourself that makes you feel good in that moment. If you get stuck in a low place let’s seriously talk about how to feel better<3
Here are my New and Full Moon Calendars for your reference<3

2018 New Moon Calendar

2018 Full Moon Calendar