I’ve really been leveling up how I’m applying the Law of Attraction lately and it’s been an incredible journey!
I never fully believe anything until I experience it myself first, that’s just the way that I am, and how I’m built.
I feel like I have a good understanding of the universal laws and watching them unfold in my own life is pretty awesome. I’m going to give you an example of how to quickly prove to yourself that you are an energetic being and literally a magnet that attracts what you think about whether it’s good or bad.
With Law of Attraction, you must care enough about your future that you pay attention to the NOW because right now is when your thoughts are creating what’s coming next.
When you hold a thought for 17 seconds it gains momentum, when you hold that same thought for 68 seconds it gains speed and strength. Whatever you focus on consistently will appear in your life because you are sending out signals and calling it to you.
Here’s an example:
I sat down and got super literal here and pulled out my timer. I also held onto my clear quartz crystal to amplify the energy of my vision, (you can find out more about why I use crystals in my post about crystals). So, I set my timer for 3 minutes and decided to think about one yellow balloon for a full 3 minutes! I thought about its size, what shade of yellow, what the knot looked like on the bottom, I imagined myself holding it, watching it float in the air, and basically everything else I could possibly muster up about this yellow balloon. Some of the same thoughts I even repeated, whatever it took to make it to the full 3 minutes.
Then I started to look for signs of a yellow balloon. I first started seeing yellow fire hydrants, yellow cars, yellow this yellow that but still no yellow balloon. I trusted it was coming though!
The next day…
My husband happened to buy 24 balloons for our kids, 3 each of multiple different colors.
When he came into the door, 1 of the 3 yellow balloons popped.
Then as he was entering the room I was in, ANOTHER yellow balloon coincidentally got caught on a small piece of wood on the door frame and popped too!
So then I saw my one yellow balloon.
Do you see how I created a strong force of energy around me and the universe lined it up and laid it out for me to observe?
That my friend is how the Law of Attraction works! Thoughts are attractive magnets and create things to appear in your life!
Use this same process next time you lose something like your keys! Instead of frantically searching for your keys and worrying about what’s going to happen if you don’t find them, stop…and FOCUS on what your keys look and feel like. Focus for 2 minutes and believe they are going to pop up! As you’re waiting, pay attention to items related to your keys that you start to find as these are signs you’re getting closer.
As you practice this over and over with more and more objects you’ll develop your belief in the fact that you’re a magnet and start manifesting whatever you want because you believe it.
Once we doubt what we manifest we block it, so it’s important to start slow then move up to focusing on more important things like manifesting money!
I encourage you to play around with it and come back here and let me know!