Earth Medicine
The Good Witch’s Brew, Your Alternative to the Flu Shot
Looking for an alternative to the traditional flu shot? Try The Good Witch’s Brew.
Next time you have the cold or flu, how would you like to stay in your sweet bed to rest instead of going to the doctor? If you like the sound of that, then you might like to try brewing your own powerful healing elixir. It is potent, easy to make, and works fast…
There are countless ways to treat yourself at home with natural antibiotics. And, today I’d like to zero in on an easy way you can use fermented veggies to make your own Rx antibiotics.
How to Use Rose Oil to Heal a Broken Heart
If you have a broken heart and want to heal; this post is for you.
I am going to teach you exactly how to heal your broken heart through using one of earth’s most beautiful and magical gifts….roses!
Have you ever nestled up to a delicious beautiful bouquet of roses and suddenly felt a strong sense of excitement and pure happiness? If so, you’ve experienced the deeper kind of magic behind the exhilaration roses give us.
Let’s say someone sends you roses…that wonderful feeling you get is not only gratitude towards the giver but it’s also the feeling of straight up Divine love. This is because roses naturally carry the HIGHEST vibrational frequency available to us on the planet.
14 Days to Become a Good Witch
Do you want to become a witch? Or, maybe you feel like you already are, but not sure if you fit the bill?
Fully embodying your inner-witch can feel lonely in the beginning, but have no fear, sister! Go grab a broom because you are in for a magical ride.