We are all manifesting all day long. Every waking moment we are creating.
Being a deliberate creator means you know your thoughts create things and you are consciously directing your thoughts to bring forth changes to your life that you desire.
I’ve been deliberating creating for about 7 years now. The universe continues to roll out my desires as if by magic.
It’s been quite the journey and I’ve learned soooooo much. I wish I knew the following key elements to the Law of Attraction before I started playing with energy and I’d like to share them with you!
1. I wish I knew that I could accidentally attract the opposite of what I was manifesting if I didn’t play the rules right.
- For example, if I’m wanting to manifest money but every time I think about money I feel that pit in my stomach because I don’t have money yet, I’m creating more circumstances in my life that will drain what money I DO have. You cannot bring forth what you want by focusing on the lack of it.
2. I wish I knew that if things weren’t lining up in the “proper” order; that it didn’t mean I was off track – the truth is, things don’t need to line up my way for them to be lining up, the less I worry the more I allow the universe to deliver.
3. I wish I knew the signs that my manifestation was getting closer:
- When you manifest something, you first start attracting aspects that are in common with which you are manifesting. For instance when I was manifesting my SUV I kept seeing the one I wanted all over the place, all the time.
4. I wish I knew how to change my focus faster when I felt myself losing sight of my desires – when knowing that your focus (good and bad) creates more of what you’re focusing on, it becomes super important to switch your focus when you feel negativity creep in.
It’s called the Process of Pivoting by Abraham Hicks and it goes like this:
5. Next, I wish I knew my feelings created my reality not my thoughts:
- This one was huge for me to learn!! The reason why affirmations don’t work for most of us is because affirmations are just words. The Law of Attraction means you attract that of which your essence is…which are your feelings. If you are reading an affirmation but that affirmation irritated you because it FEELS so far out of your reach, then you’re actually creating more circumstances in your life that create irritation. You need to start small with thoughts that make you FEEL good and build on them before you try to deliberately manifest anything.
6. I wish I knew that there was no difference between manifesting $100 or $100,000.
- What makes the difference is your current level of belief of how much money you can receive at the time. You must believe you can attract $100,000 before you will allow yourself to receive it. Same with love, you must BELIEVE you can have the best love ever before you can receive your best lover ever.
I hope this helps you on your manifesting journey!!
If you want to deliberately manifest your true love, check out my Love Spell, it is a 28 day program designed to get you into alignment and shows you how to hold your alignment strongly enough to attract your soulmate.