You know you’re in a Magical Meltdown when you first realize the power you hold and begin deliberately co-creating your new beautiful life…HOWEVER, the pressure to ‘perfectly’ create feels overwhelming and paralyzing.
It’s when you consciously realize you’re emotionally bleeding to death but don’t know how to re-focus your thoughts. It is the stress that comes with creating purpose in your life.
Magic is when something great is consciously created out of nothing. Knowing you are a creator comes with great responsibility. This type of crisis happens when you don’t stay grounded to Mother Earth while developing your new manifesting skills.
When you’re not grounded, your thoughts are spinning out of control. You are literally giving focus to too many outside sources and those sources are physically draining your energy. If you don’t prioritize what you are focusing on, you will fall into what I call a Magical Meltdown.
Here are 5 signs of a Magical Meltdown
1. Being a Novice
- Being a novice is the first indicator that you are vulnerable to having a meltdown. Learning to craft your life is intense and there is a learning curve. You are by default going to come to a point in your life when you know too much to go back to your old ways of thinking, but DON’T KNOW ENOUGH to stay stable and positive in your new ways of thinking. Being a novice is a wonderful stage of expansion because you are learning so much. But when you mix this stage with doubts and fears, you will manifest chaos into your life. 8 Most Asked Questions About Ritual and Spell-casting may help clear a lot up for you.
2. Fear of Failure
- Fear of failure kicks in if you are not grounded when you realize your power. When you know your good and bad feelings/thoughts create good and bad physical things/circumstances; it is like holding a weapon for the first time and hoping you know how to use it. Fearing failure happens when you over analyze your past and focus on all the ways you’ve “messed” up. Which then leads to fearing all the ways you might destroy your life moving forward. If you are scared of what you might accidentally create, you’re experiencing a Magical Meltdown.
3. Blocking Support
- This is where you believe the Universe has your back, but you struggle with ALLOWING yourself to receive Universal offerings because you are still building your trust. You are pure life force energy and you came here with a purpose to create. You did not come here alone, you have a very real yet invisible support system that helps you create anything you desire. Trusting in the unfolding is the magic here and it takes time to fully absorb that the Universe supports you.
4. Crazy Sh*t Keeps Happening
- If you know you’re in a negative place creating your own frustrating experiences over and over but unsure how to stop the cycle, you are having a Magical Meltdown. This stage is very common in the beginning as you first start your creative process. Read Spell-casting Mistakes and Why Your Spells Aren’t Working to help with this one.
5. The Gemini
- The Gemini is when you experience extreme highs and lows where moments of bliss suddenly turn into moments of insanity and ridiculousness. And, you are not wanting to use your tools and exercises to help you get out of your dark place because even the thought of grounding yourself overwhelms you. This means your energy is out of control and you just need to STOP and rest.
Any of this sound familiar?
Don’t worry, it’s all temporary and are normal stages to work through as you develop your co-creating skills. Each time you have a meltdown is an opportunity to build strength and take more ownership over your power. In the end, prosperity is your destiny.
Just like any skill – it takes devotion, dedication, and lots of practice and patience. Learning how to deliberately manifest your new beautiful life into reality takes time…and mistakes will be made in the process.
What do you do if you don’t realize you’re stuck in a Magical Meltdown until it’s too late and you’re hemorrhaging all the signs above and landed yourself in a really bad place emotionally? Number one:
When you are feeling negative…don’t try to run from it, instead face it with love. This negativity is called contrast, we need contrast to sift and sort through what we like and don’t like in life. Without sour we would not know sweet.
Make your negativity your tool to happiness.
Life is SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. When it’s not fun, our negative emotions immediately let us know. Our higher self is ALWAYS working for us. Our higher self lets us know when our thoughts are out of control by showing us emotional pain; just like our physical body shows signs that something is not right by showing us physical pain.
Let me explain further
When you hurt your physical body, it’s common knowledge to stop the bleeding before it gets worse, yes? The same concept is here with the emotions. If you don’t stop the negative thoughts; feelings and things will continue to get worse until you do something to stop the negative thinking.
Feeling negativity is your higher self letting you know you need to GENTLY re-focus onto something you like in order to make life fun again.
Your higher self knows you are currently focused on the opposite of fun and the opposite of what you truly want. You need this emotional sensitivity to feel your way back to deliberately creating what you desire. If you don’t listen to the sensitivity you’ll continue to feel bad about your life until you decide to do something to change it.
Think of negativity like the warning call from your mother that the street lights are coming on. Meaning it’s time to wrap up whatever you’re doing and come inside to start doing something else. If you don’t listen to this call, you will get stuck in patterns of life that you don’t like. Negativity isn’t a bad thing it’s a method of communication from your higher self saying you’re off the track to what you truly desire. It’s saying shape up or it’ll get worse.
In the moment you realize you’re being negative, STOP whatever you’re doing and try imagining what the opposite is of the feeling you’re thinking.
For example
- When you are complaining about something – the other side of the coin is always what you’re really desiring (but denying). So examine what you’re complaining about and find what you’re actually wanting, then focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.
- When you are feeling anxiety that’s your queue to find an aspect that brings you ease regarding the condition that’s worrying you. If you can’t find one positive aspect about the unwanted condition to focus on, then switch topics and distract yourself (or listen to a yoga nidra for sleep meditation) to help you fall asleep. Intend to feel calmer when you wake up and you will. Sleeping allows your body to reset its attraction point.
- If you are feeling fear, what your higher self is telling you to do in that moment is focus on COURAGE instead.
- When you are feeling hateful, your higher self is telling you to STOP the hating and focus on generating more love for yourself instead.
- When you are feeling sadness, your higher self is calling you to focus on something JOYFUL instead.
- If you are upset by the way someone is treating you, your higher self is calling you to think about how YOU PREFER to be treated instead and focus on that…fantasize about how you want to be treated and the universe will take care of the rest. When you focus on what you don’t like you’re essentially praying for what you don’t want.
- And if all else fails and you just can’t stop your mind, a shot of good ol’ whiskey helps loosen the thoughts 😉
The Teachings of Abraham say if you can’t figure out how to shift your focus then figure out how to take a nap instead.
- The benefit of a nap is that your thoughts stop when you sleep and you’ll likely wake up in a better mood after you’ve given yourself a break from your uncontrollable thinking. Read more about how your thoughts create things by reading my post Basic Intro to Your Energy Body.
You don’t need to monitor each and every thought, it’s impossible and overwhelming to do that. Too much thinking is what causes a Magical Meltdown in the first place.
My biggest piece of information I can offer you when you’re first starting out is to stay grounded. Check in with yourself throughout the day to double-check that your focus is on things that benefit you. This will by default create your new beautiful life. Sign up for my newsletter to be updated with my comprehensive list of grounding techniques I’ve picked up along my journey.
Good Witchy Tip:
Fall asleep thinking about anything you like (good sex, lots of money, delicious food) and you will wake up happier than when you fell asleep.
Are you having a Magical Meltdown?
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