There’s more to a crystal than its sparkly beautiful exterior, they are alive and hold different energy frequencies just like we do.
There is a deeper wisdom to be told about the healing benefits of crystals and stones of the earth. Those of us who are open to hear this magic can tap into one of the most powerful and mystical wonders of the world. Even better…once you realize how you can align your vibrational frequency with crystal vibrational frequency, you can literally manipulate its energy to create whatever you want in your life. Here are 4 amazing crystal facts that will blow your mind!
Crystals 101
Crystals are earth and hold life force from the sun, moon, and earth just like we do.
Their shape and their color formed at its creation point determine its power. Each crystal has its own strengths and powers. Our intentions and goals are amplified and activated when our energy is combined with a crystal’s energy.
It’s scientifically proven that when we apply pressure to crystals, they emit energy that we can manipulate with our energy.
Crystal Fact #1
Just like certain plants and herbs (like eucalyptus and cinnamon) absorb then convert energy from the sun, moon, and earth into healing properties for our physical body – certain stones, minerals, and crystals absorb then convert that same energy into healing properties for the non-physical body (aka spirit/mind). So, if you are depressed or dealing with anxiety, maybe you need a boost in self esteem or confidence, you can use a good grounding stone like sardonyx.
Crystal Fact #2
Each crystal has a specific energy structure that aligns with specific human needs – for example the need to improve ourselves, the need to want more, the need for protection and to protect. We also have deeper needs to get rid of what we don’t want and to attract what we do want. So, let’s say you need to get rid of extra weight, you’d need a dispeller stone like, chrysocolla We are energy beings having a physical experience and we are forever expanding. If we are not growing we are dying! Crystals are our perfect companion when we are seeking growth.

Tumbled Chrysocolla
Whew! That was a lot to take in, yes? Here come the last 2 amazing crystal facts of this post…
Crystal Fact #3
Crystals also affect our feelings through their color. Colors have vibrations too, and our minds resonate to them through feelings. In other words, certain colors found in crystals affect and uplift our moods depending on their color – so you can literally choose the feeling you want and then find the crystal color needed to correct the unwanted feeling. For example, rose quartz will make you feel a soft loving feeling.
Last but not least…
Crystal Fact #4
A crystal is formed by how its elements or compounds respond when it’s exposed to oxygen, it’s called crystallization. This process is how we find out what the fundamental earth power is. Each crystal has a power base, there are many fundamental ways a crystal comes into fruition and this is the very essence of its innate energy – this is how our energy aligns with its energy. I know, pretty complex! Luckily I added a couple examples to help wrap your mind around this:
Example 1 – when brightener crystals such as fluorite are formed it’s when molecules physically become brighter after they mix with oxygen – so when we align ourselves with fluorite we will start to see experiences that were once dull (like a stale relationship) become brighter and more zestful again.
Example 2 – when a transformer crystal is formed…the molecules physically transform into something bigger and stronger so when we are looking to make a change and become better, a transformer crystal like amethyst will magnify your intentions and make them better.
Amethyst Generator
We connect energetically to the crystal’s essential power source depending on what their specific power source is.
So in other words our energy does a little dance with its energy creating…magic. I mean is that amazing or what?!
Have you ever held a gorgeously pigmented sparkly crystal and suddenly felt happy? Congratulations! That means you connected to it on an energetic level.
Confused about which crystal to start with? Take a moment and think about it….do you want better luck, more love, to get rid of a bad habit or protect yourself from harm? Maybe you’re seeking more wisdom or to connect with the divine?
Amazing crystals of our earth used correctly can focus and magnify your dreams right to you. To learn how to use them click here.
Please let me show you for free how to connect with the universal life force and lead you to growth in any area you desire! Just Comment below or contact me and I am happy to assist you! Whatever you are wanting, I’ve got a crystal for that! Even true love!
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