Do you want to become a witch? Or, maybe you feel like you already are, but not sure if you fit the bill?
Fully embodying your inner-witch can feel lonely in the beginning, but have no fear, sister! Go grab a broom because you are in for a magical ride.
First, check out:
How Witchy Are You? Take my quiz to find out!!
If you are reading this, then I can almost guarantee you are already a witch, maybe you just don’t know yet đ
I created this post for you, dear one! You have answered my call and now, I invite you to join me, so you can step into your Witchy Power and not feel alone, anymore. You are far more magical than you have been led to believe.
Before we stir the cauldron…let’s first talk about what a good witch is:
A good witch is authentic, she is here to serve, and she has gifts to share with the world that raise the vibration of the entire collective. She stands in who she is, even when others think she is weird. She is not perfect, but her intention is always pure and good. It can be hard to walk this journey alone.
Witches in earlier times were known as healers and medicine women who worshiped Mother Earth. They revered to mother nature and knew how to use nature’s gifts to heal both mental and physical ailments for those in the community.
Well practiced witches also have a deep understanding of the non-physical realm and realize that every single thing in our physical reality is merely a byproduct of thoughts, feelings, and will. We know our 6th sense; our imagination is just as real as the other 5 senses we were taught exist.
Many of us have special relationships with animals and children as they gravitate to our special unconditional alignment with nature. The name “witch” came from the word wicce which means wise.
Witches are symbolic of power, wisdom, and beauty…and connection to all beings.
Notice I said witches worship Mother Earth and not…uh hem…evil:) in fact witches believe in karma three-fold meaning whatever you put out both good and bad comes back at you times three…so any good witch knows to dabble in light only.
So, if you’re excited about the idea of reclaiming yourself as a witch, then honestly…you already are one! Bravo! I’m glad we found each other, the world needs more of us.
Now, lets scratch âBecome a Good Witchâ off your bucket list and jump right in! Here are the rules: you pick the order, consider this a checklist, and have fun!
Day 1
Acknowledge and accept that you feel like you might be a witch. The word âwitchâ has a negative stigma to it, you know this already…so settling into that word feels good when you allow it. After that, read my 8 Most Asked Questions About Ritual and Casting Spells.
Day 2
Feel your energy pulsating in your body. Hereâs an exercise to help with that: hold your hands facing each other about an inch or two apart and focus on the space between your hands until you feel a magnetic pull. Gently play around with bringing your hands closer together and then pulling them farther apart little by little. Then see how big you can make the energy! With practice you can turn it into shapes! Learn more about your energy body here.
Day 3
List all the reasons why you resonate with being a witch. Do you have a deep connection with nature? Are you naturally drawn to mother earthâs medicine and harvesting cycles of life? Do you gaze at the moon and feel mesmerized by her mystery, beauty, and guidance? Do people come to you with their heavy heart to work things out? Are you drawn to crystals and herbs and prayers to divine source? Is your intuition usually on point? Write it all down baby because I think you might be a witch!
Day 4
Admit to yourself that you are indeed a witch. Yes… name is (insert name here) and I am a witch. Take it slow, let it sink in. Itâs ok you will not get scorned or burned to death again, youâre safe in this newer more advanced open world to be who you really are. Try it! It feels good, then read Spell-casting Basics and try casting your first spell with me, using nothing but the power of your beautiful mind!
Day 5
Study How to Use Moon Energy to Enhance Your Life and plan for your first new moon intention. Then follow through with it in the darkness of the new moon and create! Every good witch knows when the best time is to set intentions and manifest desires.
Day 6
Walk outside barefoot and admire the beauty and abundance of the Great Mother. Witches love to connect with nature and the best way to do that is to physically get out there and appreciate her for all of her glory. Journal for 5 minutes all the things you love about nature.
Day 7
Learn the magic behind crystals and make crystal infused water and charge it with the moon. Every good witch knows how powerful crystal and moon energy is and how obvious it is to take advantage of earth’s unique ways to keep balance. Hibiscus Moon can help you with all that right here .
Day 8
Plant a small herb garden or a gigantic one if you feel called! You might already have one or really want one. Go for it! Witches love to create life and nurture it. This may also become your own personal medicine cabinet. Rosemary Gladstar can show you how to garden like a boss and create medicine from your grow.
Day 9
You need to have a kitty. If you donât have a kitty, go get one. Legend says they help keep dark energies away đ they also bring a magical sense of sweet comfort to the home when they are taken care of properly.
Day 10
Every good witch has a wand, a quartz crystal, and a smudge bundle. If you hung on this long and read this far, then you are magick, my friend! I see you reading this and connecting to your divine! You are amazing, you are perfect, you are a creator! Own it. Own You.

You use a wand for creating a safe place and for directing energy when you practice your magical work

And you need sage to clear negative energies as witches tend to pick up on toxicity and start to think itâs their shit…but itâs not their shit and it needs to be let go like a nasty smelly expired bucket of sour cream.
Day 11
Pay attention to the seasons and how you are connected to them. Youâll notice this with your moods and thoughts as well as your body too. Every living thing on earth has an ebb and a flow. It comes into fruition, has its peak, then dies. Then thereâs re-birth, then re-building, then peaks again, then fades out, shrivels and decomposes and goes back to its source. Then comes back, blossoms yet again and starts all over. You get the idea. Itâs the cycle of life, no one here is an exception.
Day 12
Study the Wheel of the Year. You donât have to celebrate the seasons to be a witch but any good witch is at least aware of them. The four seasons are known as the four solar festivals where changes in season are caused by the sun. Here is a beautiful jam packed explanation of the Wheel of the Year.
Day 13
If youâre liking this so far then sign up for my newsletter to get your free journey into the Love Vibration; a free hypnosis session designed to raise your vibe so high you will start attracting the types of friends, lovers, colleagues and circumstances into your life that you’ve always desired! The sign-up form is at the bottom of this article.
Day 14
Walk outside under the full moon (umm…clothing is optional with this one…wink wink!). Reclaim the word âWitchâ as you re-establish your connection to the Great Mother, you beautiful soul.
Day 15 *BONUS* for my single ladies and gents:
Sign up here to discover how to use magic to attract true love by using nothing but the power of your beautiful mind!! Totally free for you!
- If you want to develop your 6th sense, I highly suggest Ari Kala, she will teach you how to get psychic AF for free by going here!! You WILL love this!!